dizzy-dame's Diaryland Diary ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A montage. I realize that I�ve been horribly neglectful when it comes to my journal these days. And I don�t really have any excuses except that I haven�t felt the urge to write lately. There�s plenty going on, just no motivation. I guess I�ve been too busy concentrating on other aspects of my life lately, like settling in at work, and adjusting to the sensation of having a life again. It�s strange. But, I refuse to abandon this place, and those of you that still enjoy reading me. Truth is, I�ve been doing this for too long, and getting too much out of it, to quit now. Besides that, I plan to quit smoking for New Year, and the crankiness and irritability from that ought to be enough to fuel at least two entries. In any case, to make up for my neglectfulness, a small summary of what�s been going on in my life: Work has been going extremely well. I�m still working through a staffing agency, which sucks monkey nuts, but I have a feeling I�ll only have to go through a middleman for a little bit longer. We had our company Christmas party (excuse me, Seasonal Company Appreciation Luncheon) this past Friday, and it was very, very interesting seeing some of my co-workers cavorting around while completely shit-faced. Even the big bosses, �the buck stops here� men about the building, where getting slightly red about the nose. And speaking of the head haunchos, one of them came up to me to give me a little praise and let me know how �appreciated� I am, and then proceeded to ask how long I�ve been in the states. Whahuh? Apparently he�d been laboring under the mistaken notion that I�m from New Zealand. It�s ok, though. I forgive him. Louisiana may as well be a foreign country. So, that was that. Christmas shopping was quite an experience this year. For the first time in more years than I�m willing to admit here I was able to go out and buy Christmas presents for other people without having to borrow huge amounts of cash from my parents. And more than being able to buy the presents, I was able to do it without hearing the sounds of my wallet screaming bloody murder every time I opened my purse. Clearance is your friend, people. Know it. Love it. It will love you back. It was especially love your budget back. It will love your budget back so well you�ll be hearing the sighs of rapture for miles around. Aislinn had a literal mountain of presents this year. And she was so impressed with everything, she immediately tossed it aside upon opening it, shouting �More!� and lunging for something new on the pile. Ah, kids and their obsession with ripping paper off boxes. Next year I�m saving myself some trouble and just wrapping a bunch of empty boxes for her to open. And then there will be today. In which Franci and I go out, sans kids, have lunch and see a movie. And, if my paycheck manages to get here before we leave, do a little more shopping. I need new fish related supplies, and am looking forward to spending a disgusting chunk of money on them. So, I hope everyone had a wonderful day yesterday, whether you were celebrating or not. And I hope today is just as snazzy. I know I�m going to enjoy it. 10:23 AM - December 26, 2003 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |